Ryuta"My baseball grove"

 My artifact is baseball grove. It`s about 30cm.  I have been using it for nearly 10 years. I used to use this glove to play catch with my brother. Also, sometimes I made a fine play with that grove and sometimes I made an error. I grew up with various experiences with this grove. 

I have a special feeling for this grove. 

When I first started playing baseball, I didn't really enjoy it. One day I told my brother that I wanted to quit baseball. Then my brother told me that,

"You bought me a good glove, so it would be a shame if you gave up here,"

and "You should give back to your parents by playing with that glove."

Those words helped me get back on my feet. My brother's presence supported me. My brother is good at baseball and taught me a lot of things, so I did my best to give back to him. I stopped playing baseball because of an injury, but I remembered my memories of the Globe, I resumed playing baseball again in college. I still use it carefully without neglecting care.  

Because of this special feeling, I have never handled that glove violently or hit it. I think my parents entrusted me with a mission with Globe. I think it means that you should not run away even if you encounter difficulties. From this experience, I learned the importance of facing difficulties without running away from them. I want to keep this event in mind and do my best to play baseball with my gloves. Even if I experience a setback in baseball in the future, I will remember my brother's words and overcome it. In addition, this glove filled with memories is the greatest treasure for me.
